пятница, сентября 23, 2005

Slow Internet connection

This has been such a painful internet visit. I had to fix the cookie blocker on this computer so that this would work. THen it takes a million year to load anything. Good thing I had to buy a 45 minute pass.
I am currently under Red Square in the huge mall called "ohotny ryad". It's very western. One of the many reasons that I like the regions better than Moscow. Today we had some really informative discussions with people from AFEW, Russia's People living with AIDS group, the Trans atlantic partnership Against AIDS, and the Russian Union of youth. It's great to be here learning about how their programs are working. Especially since their is so little documentation of them outside of Russia. The government stats about AIDS are of course skewed to be substantially lower than the actual burden of the disease. I hope they don't shut down my site for saying that :) The media in Russia is just barely starting to open up to the idea of using public health advertisements. I got a CD rom of the latest set of commercials that TPAA made for TV. They will be useful for my health communications class.
I am having serious phone issues. I bought a phone card, but it is just a long distance card. To use a pay phone I first have to find a Taxaphone Card and so far I have tried all the kiosk at three different metro stops and ALL of them are sold out!! SO today I was able to borrow the GRINT office phone to use my phone card on to call Lincoln. Also this long distance card that I bought will not work on phone outside of Moscow or St. Petersburg. Fabulous.
Tonight we went out to get Georgian cuisine. I had this harmless looking Georgian Salad that I think was seasoned with hot pepper juice or something. Spicyness! I also had shashliki which are a lot like shishkabobs. They were good.
I am trying to enjoy everything. This is going to be such a quick trip compared to my mission. I am so happy to be here! :)


At 7:02 PM, Blogger Supercords said...

You know, there's free pc to pc calling available through Skype, Yahoo, and others. I guess without your own laptop it would be difficult to set up though.

I'm sure the Russian government has bigger fish to fry than your blog. Unless they search for things like "Putin's a Jerk!", "Independence for Chechnya!", and "Amy is an American Spy working in your country."

You'd certainly be screwed if they found those things in your blog. :)



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