среда, ноября 02, 2005

Back to Ufa

Been getting up really early every morning trying to keep up with my homework. I have an HIV/AIDS care and treatment class that started last week (2nd half semester class). It's great, really interesting critical issues, but I am going to have a hard time keeping on top of it all!
Today we gathered our lesson plans together for the Anti-stigma program. Yesterday, I talked the Family Services Center Director about it and she is excited to get it. They are really doing a great job in that organization! I'm excited to give them another tool because I know that they'll do a good job of using it.
I needed to have it ready to give to Pasha for transation this weekend. I think it's a good thing that I will be able to meet with him and explain exactly what pieces we're using and how it goes together...They are lesson materials and activities to go with each topic.
This afternoon we are putting our now coded narcotics user survey data into excel. There are 100 surveys with 25 questions each so it is going to take the rest of the day plus a little more to finish up on monday I think. One of the most shocking things so far is the sexual habits. Most of them (IV drug users) reported that they had had sex in the last thirty days, but almost all of them said that they use condoms "rarely". Which may mean that they may have just tried it once... That's definately something that the Harm Reduction Center needs to work on. They are not only spreading HIV, but also Hepatitus and STDs that increase their risk of getting infected with HIV.