вторник, октября 18, 2005

Family Needle Exchange Point

Today I went to one of the needle exchange "outposts". I guess I was expecting to find a dirty apartment, smoky, with 3-4 fairly responsible drug addicts manning the exchange. That was all true except for the fact that one of them was 8 mo. pregnant and had a cute little 3 year old daughter as well. I was not prepared to find that it was a "family" affair. I tried to focus on the research questions that the visiting "expert" from Moscow was asking, but I could not discipline myself to take my eyes away from the little girl's big blue ones. I had to fight back tears several times. There is a time for research and reality, but then there must also be humanity. I spent most of my time making faces and playing peek-a-boo with the girl. Good thing that I was not the only one there. I think that I will go back again next week to that outpost and try to interview them then. I'll be more prepared... I'll bring some candy :)
Other than that stats, stats, and more stats. I am preparing an informed consent form that I can bring with me for more formal interviews. Pasha has translated almost all of informal ones that I did during my clinic tours. I need to hand in my mid term research paper by the end of the month. Ahh!!!


At 11:02 PM, Blogger Supercords said...

Your blog has been great lately with pictures and regular updates... How come we never see comments from your family members? It's just me and that other gal. Don't they love you anymore? :)


At 3:47 PM, Blogger Amy said...

They usually respond in my email box. I assume that means they still love me. They are just shy :)

At 12:56 AM, Blogger hollibobolli said...

"that other gal"

yo - "you other dude".. howdy from "the other gal".

that was a really sad post. i bet you did have to fight back tears.. but you still have a heart, regardless of what you're doing.

btw - my family rarely responds on my blog - THANK THE LORD FOR SMALL THINGS!!!

At 1:02 AM, Blogger Supercords said...

Hi Holli,

I'll try and remember your name next time.



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